Purpose & Mission

Purpose Statement

Psi Chi is an international honor society whose purpose shall be to encourage, stimulate and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology.

Mission Statement

The mission of Psi Chi is to produce a well-educated, ethical, and socially responsible member committed to contributing to the science and profession of psychology and to society in general.

In pursuit of our mission we will:

  1. Advance the science and profession of psychology.
  2. Promote an educational experience consistent with the mission.
  3. Promote ethical and socially responsible members and leaders.
  4. Define and establish an organizational structure that promotes our mission.
  5. Recognize and foster the contributions that diversity makes to the science and practice of psychology.

About the Psi Chi Symbol

image_previewPsi Chi's symbol is based on the Greek letters psi and chi, which have been used for decades in the Psi Chi induction ritual to express the Greek words psycheand cheires, which in turn symbolize mind (scholarship and the enrichment of the mind) and hands (fellowship and cooperation in research).

The Psi Chi seal places the symbols at the center of a circle, indicating that scholarship and fellowship are at the center of Psi Chi's mission. In addition to the Greek words and its founding date, the symbols are now wrapped onto a globe to represent the society’s new emphasis on international expansion. The outer band and circles encompassing the globe represent the unified goals and mission of the society: to excel in scholarship and advance psychology.